Our Services
Audits and Assessments
Whether it is internal process audits, management system audits, safety audits, supplier audits or even construction or production site audits, based on Swiss regulatory, permit, company-internal or ISO 9001, 14001 or 45001 requirements, we offer the full service from goal definition together with the client, planning and checklist creation up to audit execution and documentation including the proposed improvement measures. This is done in a professional, goal-oriented manner strictly aiming at organizational process improvement. The duration of the actual audit typically lies between half a day and several days (without including the time for preparation and documentation).
Global RegSupport™ Helpdesk
The Global RegSupport™ Helpdesk, managed by our Inogen Alliance partner Antea Group USA, is a pay-as-you-go service that gives facility and EHS staff quick and concise answers to global regulatory and compliance questions. This service offers a cost-effective way to proactively get accurate EHS information to assist in maintaining facility and operational compliance. The Global RegSupport™ Helpdesk service addresses EHS questions that don’t need in-depth consulting but are complex enough to require more than a simple internet search. Questions related to Switzerland and Liechtenstein are answered by Baden Consulting, questions related to other countries by our Inogen Alliance partners.
Quality, Environment, Health and Safety Management Systems / ISO 9001, 14001, 45001
We help companies implement quality, environment, health and safety management systems according to ISO 9001, 14001, and 45001 and help them prepare for certification as well as support the regular maintenance of the system by auditing, training, keeping the documentation up-to-date and facilitating management reviews.
Digital Legal Register with denxpert LEGAL
Our legal register in denxpert LEGAL covering Swiss EHS legislation in English, German, French and Italian is updated on a quarterly basis and can be accessed with your web browser without the need to install any software. We adapt it specifically to your needs and select the most relevant regulations for you. The software allows you to document the relevance of regulations and your compliance status. All modifications are logged and are auditable.
Environmental Site Assessment / Due Diligence
Baden Consulting conducts Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessments in accordance with ASTM E1527. We assist our clients in investigating any potential risks or contamination. Through site reconnaissance, interviews, desktop data review, and consultation of relevant authorities we offer a detailed evaluation of the site that you intend to purchase or rent.
Waste Reduction, Recycling and Reuse
We analyze waste streams and investigate innovative solutions to increase the percentage of reused and recycled waste in a sustainable manner. Our consultants thus help clients divert more product and waste from incinerators or landfills, reducing overall residual waste and optimizing recycling.
Interim Management of Projects or Organizational Units / Resource as a Service (RaaS)
For a time period to be agreed upon you can entrust our consultant the management of specific product-development or process-improvement projects, e.g. to compensate for a temporary lack of manpower or special know-how. Alternatively our consultant can manage one of your departments ad interim. The mandate can be full-time or part-time.
Planning and executing a workshop that truly reaches its defined goals is a master discipline. From precise goal definition with the client and meticulous planning and preparation up to professional workshop facilitation and subsequent documentation our service covers everything you need for a workshop that yields real hands-on results and is definitely not just another waste of time for its participants.
Hazardous Materials & Dangerous Goods Management
Our experts assist our clients in meeting the requirements pertaining to hazardous materials and dangerous goods management, covering storage, transportation and disposal. Preventing spills and workplace accidents are our highest priority. We ensure compliance with national and European regulations, e.g. the Seveso III Directive aimed at controlling major chemical accident hazards.
Emergency Response Programs & Training
We work together to comply with local regulations, prepare for potential emergencies, coordinate training, and provide effective means of communication during an event. A company that has effective emergency response programs in place can ensure the safety of its employees, the protection of assets, and a speedy recovery after an incident.
The study of workplace ergonomics can improve the health and productivity of workers. We take into consideration local regulations regarding workplace ergonomics, cultural nuances related to ergonomic issues, and the desire of clients to provide their employees with best-in-class service to help ensure comfort in office, industrial, and home work environments.
Incident Investigation and Prevention
We investigate incidents, accidents, near misses, dangerous situations and behaviors for you in order to prioritize and implement controls, eliminating the risk of repeat events. We support you in creating communication and motivation campaigns to foster reporting of near misses and dangerous situations and behaviors to strengthen your company’s safety culture.
CE Marking / European Directives /Machinery Safety
We can support you in achieving CE Marking, i.e. compliance with the relevant European Directives (e.g. the Machinery Directive). We carry out the risk assessments according to ISO 12100 and systematically evaluate and document the need for improvement actions on your machinery in order to achieve compliance.
RiskRight™ EHS for Low-Risk Environments
We are experienced in developing and implementing environment, health and safety programs not only for high-risk environments like factories or construction sites, but also for low-risk environments such as offices, data centers and retail stores. RiskRight™ EHS is a trademark of our Inogen Alliance partner Antea Group USA. Baden Consulting offers RiskRight™ EHS services in Switzerland and Liechtenstein.
Construction Site Safety
Our highly experienced consultants can manage your construction site and/or manage the safety at your construction site. Proven incident prevention programs and consistent implementation of regulations ensure the safety of the workers and the surrounding community.
Workplace Noise and Air Quality Assessment
We can carry out noise and air quality measurements at your workplaces, e.g. in laboratories, factories or data centers. The measurements can be performed at specific fixed locations and on employees (with dosimeters and pumps) and are documented with a detailed report.
Process Improvement Projects
We can manage entire business process improvement and organizational development projects – or we can act as coach and advisor to your company-internal project manager. In both cases the engagement of the affected members of your organization is key. We cover the entire scope from project definition and status-quo analysis up to concept elaboration and implementation, pragmatically applying proven methodologies (such as Six Sigma DMAIC) and the tools that serve the purpose and goal best. The project duration can be anything from weeks to years, full-time or part-time.
Pandemic Planning & Response
A pandemic such as COVID-19 can threaten the health and well-being of people around the world. Employers must do their part by understanding and following local guidelines and best practices and continuing to evaluate and update their pandemic response plans. We support our clients in implementing effective strategies that help the organization stay in business, minimize the financial impact of the pandemic, and most importantly, protect the health of the employees and the global community.
Facility Optimization
Circular business model strategies as well as assessing carbon footprints are methods we use to help our clients reduce their environmental impact. We deal with each facility individually, providing it with its own customized optimization plan. Our solutions include new and innovative technologies to ensure efficiency in resource use and reduction of the carbon footprint.
Product Sustainability Improvement
Baden Consulting works closely with clients to help them understand their products’ impact on the environment and determine how to implement a more sustainable design. We examine the entire lifecycle from design and development, materials used, product packaging and use up to material reuse, recycling and waste reduction. Our consultants can cover numerous industries.
Energy Management Programs
Energy security is currently a major concern in Europe. Governments are encouraging companies to reduce fossil fuel use and their carbon footprint. Many companies have chosen to meet these challenges and in turn invest in sustainable energy sources. At Baden Consulting we develop individualized energy saving plans. Our process includes understanding the current energy use, setting energy reduction goals, creating and implementing an energy saving program, and finally ensuring the sustainability of the program.
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG), Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Social License to Operate (SLO)
Our consultants help set up ESG, CSR and SLO programs. We provide our clients with a clear framework with Key Performance Indicators (KPI) to monitor and and sustain their programs. Our approach is holistic, examining financial, social and environmental aspects of our clients. We establish tailored programs that help our clients reach their goals. See more details here.
Training Seminars
Tailored to your needs we provide training seminars within our fields of expertise to the members of your organization in the language of your choice. Please contact us to discuss your training goals and our contribution to reaching them.
We provide coaching within our fields of competence to your line or project managers to help them reach your organization’s goals. This can also be done discretely “behind the scenes” if desired.
Consultancy Services for Power Plants
We act as owner’s engineer for future and current power plant owners from the specification phase, during the selection of adequate suppliers, throughout the Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) phases as well as later on for service and maintenance. We specialize on site management as well as quality, safety, health and environment management. However, together with our very experienced and highly competent partners we can cover the entire scope throughout all phases. While our main focus is on combined-cycle and gas-turbine power plants, we are also pleased to support any other kind of power station.
After-Market Business, Customer Service, After-Sales Service
Air Quality
ASTM E1527 / Due Diligence
ATEX Directives / Explosive Atmospheres
Biohazards / Blood-Borne Pathogens
Business Development, Business Plans, Market Analysis, Growth Strategies
CE Marking / European Directives

Chemical Safety
Circular Economy
Compressed Gases
Confined Spaces
Construction Site Management
Contractor Management
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
READ MORECranes / Forklifts / Lifting Equipment / Powered Industrial Trucks
Display Screen Equipment
Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS)
Electrical Safety
Emergency Preparedness and Response
Energy Management
Environmental and Social Impact Analysis
Environmental Engineering and Management
Environmental Impact Statements
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)
READ MOREErgonomics
Fire Safety
First Aid
Fleet Safety / Traffic Safety
Food Safety
Hazardous Materials / Dangerous Goods / ADR
Home Working
Hot Works
Incident/Accident Investigation / Root Cause Analysis
Industrial Hygiene
Innovation and Idea Management
Intellectual Property Rights, Patents, Trademarks, Design Protection
Ionizing Radiation / Radiological Protection
Knowledge Management
Land Reclamation on Contaminated Sites
Lean Management / Lean Manufacturing
Lock-out / Tag-out
Lone Working
Machine Safety
Major Accident Ordinance / Seveso Directive / Process Safety Management (PSM)
Management Systems / ISO 9001 / ISO 14001 / ISO 45001
Manual Handling
Manufacturing/Production Management
Mechanical Hazards
Natural Resource Management
Non-Ionizing Radiation / Laser Safety / Electromagnetic Fields
Occupational Health
Operations Management
Pandemic Preparedness and Response
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Power Generation / Renewable Energy
Process Improvement
Product Development, Product Management
Product Lifecycle Management
Project Management, Task-Force Management
Psychosocial Risks / Mental Wellbeing / Stress / Harassment
Quality Management / Quality Assurance
Risk Assessment, Management and Mitigation / FMEA / HAZOP
Six Sigma
Soil and Water Remediation
Slips, Trips and Falls
Statistical Process Analysis (SPC)
Storage / Racks / Shelves / Warehouses
Strategic Management, Strategy Development
Supplier Quality Management
Supply Chain Management, Logistics, Key Commodity Management
Sustainability Programs
Thermal Hazards
Turnaround Management
Underage Employees
Ventilation / Workplace Air Quality
Video Surveillance
Waste Management / Recycling / Reuse / Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)
Waste Water Management
Water Management
READ MOREWork at Height
Working Hours
Workplace Noise
Digital Legal Register with denxpert LEGAL
Our legal register in denxpert LEGAL covering Swiss EHS legislation in English, German, French and Italian is updated on a quarterly basis and can be accessed with your web browser without the need to install any software. We adapt it specifically to your needs and select the most relevant regulations for you. The software allows you to document the relevance of regulations and your compliance status. All modifications are logged and are auditable. Select from one of our License Packages:
- Dashboard
- Legal register with implications and questions
- Review function
- Task management related to legal obligations
- Document upload
- Dashboard
- Legal register with implications and questions
- Review function
- Task management related to legal obligations and permits
- Document upload
- Permit management