Working at Baden Consulting
Practical Experience and Continuous Learning
At Baden Consulting we believe in the value of practical experience. This includes the “backpack” of experience that you already have when you join us plus the experience you gain while supporting our clients. In order to allow you to gain a maximum of experience and thus broaden your competence as much as possible, you are exposed to an array of different projects, clients and industries – plus we often visit clients in teams of two consultants to allow them to learn from each other – even if the client only ordered one consultant. This continuous training on the job allows you to grow your know-how rapidly and thus to support our clients more competently and confidently. In addition you attend training courses whenever necessary. Another possibility of personal growth and development is by joining a client’s organization full- or part-time for several months or even years as an interim manager (also sometimes referred to as “personnel secondment” or “resource as a service RaaS”).
Entrepreneurial Spirit
The advantage of working at a relatively small company is that you are fully involved in the entire value chain: from sales and tendering to project execution and maintaining a long-term relationship with the clients. We all behave like entrepreneurs and have a sense of ownership for the company. Internally this also means that there are no taboos or limitations on your freedom of expression of opinions, ideas and suggestions on how to develop the business or how to make working for the company even more pleasant or any other subject related to the company. You are most welcome to leave your mark.
Career Development
We distinguish between Junior Consultants, Consultants, and Senior Consultants. These titles are not connected to your age but to your level of relevant experience. Junior Consultants are typically university graduates or team members with little relevant work experience. Their asset is to be up-to-date with the latest scientific developments and state of the art plus to have an open unbiased mind and to learn and implement rapidly. Consultants already have several years of relevant work experience and can support a large variety of projects and clients independently or as part of a team. Simultaneously they develop their consulting and leadership skills. Senior Consultants do not only have many years of relevant work experience but they also have several years of leadership and management experience (project and/or line management). Partners are those team members who have been promoted to join our management team and are involved in the major strategic and operational decisions – often based on suggestions from team members.
Working from Home and at the Client’s Site
At Baden Consulting we have been working from home and using video conference tools since our foundation – already long before the COVID-19 pandemic struck the world. So you don’t waste time commuting to work every day. However, if you don’t like to work at home, a desk in a coworking space can also be rented for you on request.
Of course we also frequently visit our clients and work at their offices, factories, stores, data centers or construction sites to conduct audits, risk assessments, training courses, workshops or provide any other kind of support.
Two Work Contract Models
We offer two different work contract models: with an hourly salary or a monthly salary. Working with an hourly salary – our traditional work model – provides the highest level of flexibility for all sides. You are free to decide when and how much to work (and this can vary from one day to another) and which projects you want to work on. You can take as much vacation as you want. On the other hand you are ready to accept a higher level of risk and salary fluctuation.
When working with a monthly salary you work a defined number of weekly hours according to the chosen full-time equivalent (100 % FTE equaling 40 hours per week) and have a defined monthly salary. You should always have enough work to not remain idle, and you have a contractually pre-determined number of paid days of leave.
Generous Voluntary Gratuity
Since our team members working with an hourly salary are willing to accept some entrepreneurial risk, they are also rewarded by receiving a voluntary gratuity amounting to the full share of the annual profit proportional to their contribution. Team members working with a monthly salary also receive a voluntary gratuity as decided by the Partners.
Highly Attractive Pension Fund
Our pension fund Ascaro offers among the highest interest yields of all pension funds, as evidenced by the annual pension fund comparison study. In addition, while our parliamentarians are still discussing a reduction of the so-called coordination deduction in order to give people working part-time a better pension, we at Baden Consulting have already reduced the coordination deduction all the way to zero, meaning that all team members qualify for coverage by the pension fund with their full annual salaries, no matter how many hours they work or how big their salary is. This was decided unanimously by all the team members. If you only work part-time at Baden Consulting and already have pension fund coverage from another employer, you can voluntarily renounce coverage by the Baden Consulting pension fund in writing.

Having Fun
We work hard for our clients, but we also have fun while doing so. We usually maintain close and friendly relationships with our clients where humor and laughter also have their place. In addition we go on team events and dinners from time to time to reinforce the team spirit and simply enjoy ourselves, as evidenced by the photos on this page. We also love to host our clients and partners from abroad and treat them with authentic Swiss cuisine and culture.
Available Positions
Currently there aren’t any positions are available.